If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 to speak with a specially trained Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocate. Support is provided in more than 200 languages. Professionals are there to listen and connect you with the help you need to stay safe.
Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking is active on social media to help our community navigate the path to fight against human trafficking through educating and inspiring positive change to end human trafficking. We envision a safe world for all children.
Because we are a charitable 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization that is regulated by the IRS, there are certain rules we must follow. As such, we have established community guidelines and social media policies to help us unite in the fight against human trafficking and prevent harm to anyone, especially victims and survivors of human trafficking, as well as anti-human trafficking advocates. By using any Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking's social media sites, you accept and agree to these terms, in addition to Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking's Non-Discrimination Policies.
Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking’s social media properties including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, are public. This means that anyone can see your posts to our social media channels, and your posts may even show up in search engine results on platforms like Google, Yahoo!, or Bing.
While we encourage open discussion, we cannot be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any comments or materials posted by users. Therefore, we may occasionally remove posts that include political comments, disrespect, or posts lacking enough data and/or scholarly support to verify the accuracy of the post/comment. Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking’s staff will decide on the circumstances of such posts.
We ask that comments remain on topic and in accordance to Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking's Core Values; this means that comments should relate to the topic that is being discussed within that post and/or tweet and respect the integrity of everyone. While we welcome reasonable critiques, we may delete negative comments about social and political issues, public health concerns, Gateway Alliance Against Human Trafficking, and our partner agencies that are not relevant, accurate, or do not add to an aspiration of a positive systemic change to end human trafficking in our community.
Basic Guidelines
Stay on topic and be respectful of others
Submit your own original content, and avoid posting content that you know or suspect to be false
Do not post someone else's image, work, or comments unless you have permission
Anything posted to Gateway Human Trafficking’s Social Media Sites can and may be used for any purpose we deem, including evaluations
Never post anything you wish to be kept confidential or expect to be compensated for
Never post personal, identifying, or confidential information such as yours or anyone else’s account information, address, phone number, email address, social security number, etc.
Your posts should never contain any unauthorized and/or unsolicited advertising, spam, hyperlinks, or content protected by copyright, trademark or other rights
Lastly, Gateway Human Trafficking is not responsible for views expressed other than our own.
Media Inquiries
If you are a member of the media and interested in scheduling an interview with our team, please email info@gatewayhumantrafficking.org or call us at 636-515-6919.